Sunday, May 03, 2009

Blip me

Saw this on a trent tweet. Say five times fast. A neat way to share music and get the conversation going. But will experiment with how to embed on layout but don't get your hopes up.


robfeltus said...

Hey, this is Rob Feltus from Georgia. Probably no relation, but I like your style. Mind if I felto-follow your blog?

andy said...

No problem Rob. We're glad to have you. Us Feltus' gotta stick together. Looking at the other blogs you're following, the gap can't be that much as these guys look like my father, uncle, grand uncle. Memphis is where the family is from, before that Mississippi.

As for the magnum, I love the hemi but didn't like the way it handled so got a Porsche Cayenne instead.

andy said...

Ayn Rand. Science. Engineering. This aren't me but I get them.

andy said...

btw we're big airplane people int his family. My grandfather flew b-25's in ww2 as well as the memphis belle and sold Piper in Little Rock.

robfeltus said...

Wow, the connection may be closer than we think. I have some roots in the agro-south.

I definitely approve of the Porsche Cayenne decision. If I wasn't hauling rugby players and equipment around GA, I would have gotten something a little more sporty as well.

Your grandfather piloted WWII bombers--that's awesome. I'm somewhat infatuated with the aircraft of that era. Those were the days when they actually built airplanes, not just 3-D models.

Eric Chelline said...

Hi Andy. Eric Chelline here. Enjoyed reading your blog. I'm a finance guy also, focused on retail auto industry. Rare to find good musical taste like yours in the numbers crowd! My lineup is topped by another Andy (Wood) from the greatest band ever (Mother Love Bone). Anyway, sorry for blog-crashing, but wondering if I could ping you off-blog regarding an auto-related matter of some urgency? Thanks! Eric