Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Lyric of the Day

She's my coked up, botox girl

Band: Wombats
Song: Patricia the stripper

Monday, July 27, 2009

Castle exchange

Papa: We go every year as a family,

Josie. Really?

Papa: We've been going since Maddy was 5 and you were 2.

Josie: I've been going longer than her?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Some alt-country updates on my blip.fm postings. Thanks to Sunday Morning Come Down. Good stuff.

In my search today, came accross this blog post


It reads:

I have never claimed to be cool. Ever. But now I think even the last remaining particles of hipness in body are slowly dying a slow, uncool death. And I am OK with it. I just don't have the time,energy, or desire to unearth the latest MGMT remix or the next big thing(usually some obscure Brooklyn band.) I am at peace with my lameness and I choose to listen to stuff like Charlie Mars.No, Mr. Mars doesn't reinvent the rock n'roll wheel nor does he have superstar indie bands lining up to remix his songs. He just makes really, really good music and I really like his album 'Like A Bird, Like A Plane'...and as the song below displays, he can make something as simple as listening to a classic Pink Floyd record sound so inviting

Hits a little close to home. Now, I a spend as much energy (not as much time) as any hipster looking the latest and the greatest, but he lands a punch on the hipster scene good for a standing eight count. Charlie Mars aint the next big thing, but point taken.